



Terrace of Trees

With urban challenges most of us find luxury of space mostly on a terrace or balcony. With that comes the inbuilt limitation a pot garden as soft garden may ask for a complicated waterproofing set up with low success rate. So how do most of us plan our terraces? We...

Summer Issue

Subscribe Today! Green Street is a quarterly magazine on green living. From home gardens, clean food to green lifestyle and green travel, we bring interesting stories to motivate you towards a sustainable life.  The four issues coordinate with the four seasons of the...

Flower Styling

Who does not love flowers? From those smiling in the gardens to digital bouquets on social media, everyone beams with one glimpse of a flower. As they say, “The earth laughs in its flowers”. Though every growth is special to a gardener’s heart, nothing beats the joy...

Sip Your Blooms

Flowers in your garden are surely a visual delight, but sipping the vivid hues and the aromatic experience in floral teas is the epitome of royal enchantment. Yes you heard that right. Many of your favourite flowers growing in the garden can be enjoyed as flower teas....

Rose Through the Lens of Food

The rose bush outside my window was in full spring mode and I just could not resist to quickly steep my favourite rose tea. As the subtle floral flavours lingered on my lips, I wondered the eternal words by Shakespeare, “a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”....