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Green Street is a quarterly magazine on green living. From home gardens, clean food to green lifestyle and green travel, we bring interesting stories to motivate you towards a sustainable life.  The four issues coordinate with the four seasons of the year. 

So for a perfect start, here is the Spring Issue for you to enjoy absolutely free! Do click the subscribe button to show your support and love.







Flower Styling


Though flowers are the most beautiful and attractive of nature’s creation and look wonderful in wherever and however they grow, here are a few planting styles that will enhance the beauty of your garden.

Sip your Blooms

Many of your favourite flowers growing in the garden can be enjoyed as flower teas.

Rose through the Lens of Food

Everyone’s delight, an expression of love, a mark of royalty, rose is one of the oldest and most favourite flower known

Caulishowers in my Garden

All of us who have got the hang of growing in home gardens or farms experience an abundance and have several ways to relish these in a variety of dishes.



12 Flowering Tips

The good news is that you can have wonderful blooming with some simple natural tricks making your flower garden safe and healthy to enjoyed by your family.

In Spring Issue

Flower Styling

Who does not love flowers? From those smiling in the gardens to digital bouquets on social media, everyone beams with one glimpse of a flower. As they say, “The earth laughs in its flowers”. Though every growth is special to a gardener’s heart, nothing beats the joy...

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Sip Your Blooms

Flowers in your garden are surely a visual delight, but sipping the vivid hues and the aromatic experience in floral teas is the epitome of royal enchantment. Yes you heard that right. Many of your favourite flowers growing in the garden can be enjoyed as flower teas....

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12 Flowering Tips

Many of us dream of a beautiful flower garden but mostly end up buying ready flowering seasonals from nurseries doubting their expertise to create that magic. Beware! Every time you buy nursery grown plants, they are full of pesticide sprays and artificially...

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